Our Blog Articles

Legal Project Management: Fad or Trend?

This week The New York Law Journal featured a great piece, “A Practical Approach to Legal Project Management”, making a compelling argument that LPM is more than a fad, it’s a trend. We completely agree with the authors that downward price pressures on legal services and alternative fees are driving the need for law firms to become more efficient.

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Top 3 Ways Legal Practice Management Software Helps Law Firms

Duct Tape. That’s what’s holding together law office technology at the typical small firm (metaphorically speaking, that is).

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5 Amazing Sales and Business Books for Attorneys

Over the past few years of building Rocket Matter, we’ve relied heavily on the sage wisdom of a handful of business and sales books which have really made a difference for us. Here are five business books which lawyers can use in their practice.

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Improving Your Law Firm’s Creative Outlook

Lawyers, despite what they think, are not very good at encouraging creative thinking. Certainly, we’re trained to seek out similar opinions to the current situation or to find interesting ways to assist clients avoid regulation, but law firm partners don’t often encourage their teams (associates, junior partners, etc.) to be creative.

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Be as Mobile as You Wanna Be. Just Don’t Be Stupid.

You would think I, as a purveyor of fine web-based legal practice management and time tracking software, would say nothing but good things when it comes to people using technology and “plugging in” to the cloud. But enough is enough. Too much of anything is bad, and the way we’re all glued to our electronic mobile devices has got to change.

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Why it’s Critical for Lawyers to Get Bills Out On Time (Part 2 of 2)

From the client’s perspective, getting a big legal bill long after the service was performed has the effect of feeling like a big nasty surprise. That can lead to uncomfortable discussions and, worse yet, often results in haircuts on your bill. The bigger and “lumpier” the bill (that is, the more things thrown in together), the further it is away from the time you provided the service, the more likely a discount negotiation is forthcoming.

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Improve Your Cash Flow Without Adding Clients – Strive to Bill on Time (Part 1 of 2)

Failing to send out bills on time can be one of the most costly aspects of a law practice. It can contribute to all kinds of practical problems, from firm-related operational issues to client communication troubles.

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Legal Trust Accounting : Don’t Get Surprised by Flat Fees

Think you know your legal trust accounting rules? A flat fee is **not** a non-refundable fee. Nor can you artificially front-load all of your work. You have to legitimately earn the money.

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The Golden Rule of Legal Trust Accounting

The Golden Rule of Legal Trust Accounting: The money in your trust account is not…

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What is Legal Project Management?

In this series we’ll explore the growing interest in project management for legal professionals and…

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Highlights from the 2010 ALA Annual Conference & Exposition in Boston – Day 1

We’re having a wonderful time in Boston at the ALA Annual Conference & Exposition. The…

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iPad Envy? Save Money with Gadget Spa Day

Today marks the much awaited announcement of the Apple iPad. Considering that people’s mouths were…

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