Guides and eBooks
Each year, we produce eBooks and white papers on topics that resonate with lawyers. In the past, we have covered everything from marketing and best billing practices to cybersecurity and wellness. Download all of the titles that interest you, and check back often as we’re always adding new content. Enjoy!
Boost Your Law Firm’s Profits with Rocket Matter Track: How to Be More Efficient and Accurate
Download your free guide to learn how Rocket Matter Track can help you save time and boost your law firm’s profits.
Beat the Clock: 7 Tips to Break Away from Bad Time Tracking Practices and Increase Billable Hours
Rocket Matter's experts have crafted a guide with exclusive tips to unlock your earning potential. Check out 7 Tips to Increase Your Billable Time.
How to Convert Visitors on Your Law Firm’s Website
Your website gets traffic. But the conversion rate? It might not be so impressive. It's like throwing a party, hiring a DJ, and ending up with an empty dance floor.
The Essential Guide for Legal Billing Software for Solo Practitioners
Many solo practitioners find themselves with weighty responsibilities they didn’t cover in law school, like compliant trust accounting, business accounting, and billing.
Supercharge Your Efficiency: The Attorney’s Essential Dos and Don’ts Checklist for Tracking Tasks, Time, and Expenses
Did you imagine making a heartfelt closing statement to the grand jury during a trial? Maybe you saw yourself in the corner office of a highrise, negotiating pivotal contracts on behalf of your clients.
The Secret Sauce to Get Paid in Full for Every Invoice, Every Time
No law firm wants to chase down payments (unless it’s payments for your clients). Chasing down clients with collection calls and awkward payment reminders? It’s just not ideal, for anyone involved.
The Top 4 Uses and Prompts for ChatGPT in the Legal Industry
ChatGPT belongs to a hot new class of technology called generative AI—artificial intelligence built to create original work similar to what people can create themselves. This type of AI can produce art, text, video, and even audio content.
The Law Firm’s Guide to Designing a Website that Converts
At a time when your digital presence often makes the first impression, your law firm can’t afford to have a website that’s merely an online brochure. It’s time to transform your website into one that doesn’t just inform, but also engages, persuades, and converts visitors into clients.
Top 8 Ways Rocket Matter Can Increase Your Profits
For a long time, talking about the business side of practicing law was a violation of the unwritten establishment rules of decorum.This meant that great lawyers were not always great business leaders. As a result, the legal profession was slow to adopt the automation technology that has transformed operations and increased profitability across many other industries.
Demystifying Legal Practice Automation
We’ll admit it: the concept of automation can get a little buzzword-y. It’s right up there with “low-hanging fruit,” “streamline,” and “let’s circle back later” in corporate tech jargon. But here’s the thing: even if the idea of automation is sometimes overused, it’s because there are real benefits for firms that use automation the right way.
The Law Firm’s Guide to Optimizing Billing and Payments Processes
In an ideal world, lawyers would be able to spend most of their day on billable work. In reality, though, the average lawyer bills for less than three hours in an average workday. The rest of that time typically goes toward administrative tasks, business operations, and, of course, the occasional lunch break away from their desk. But lawyers shouldn’t have to cut out their lunch breaks to bill more time.
12 Legal Payment Processing Features to Look For
Want to see a healthier cash flow and happier clients? Start accepting payments online! On your quest for the right payment processor, look for features that streamline and support the way law firms operate.
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